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Death Penalty

The issue of taking life as a form of ultimate punishment has been discussed since the early days of humanity and has divided people into two groups – those, who are for the death penalty and those who are against it.

Main argument of those people who are for capital punishment is that the victim will be revenged . Most of those who have suffered from the loss of their relative demand it because of their own satisfaction and feeling of justice. Another adavantage is that this punishment can be deterrent for all criminals and the will think twice before they will commit crimes.

On the other hand, we have no right to take another’s life. It is the responsibility of society to bring up socially aware people without any criminal intensions, but there is always a black sheep in a flock. In addtion an innocent person could be sentenced to the death and also there can be high number of a legal murders because of our corrupted system.

To sum up, the death penalty will remain a hot/s topic for the next few years, and it is up to each one of us, if we are going to accept it or not. In my own opinion this punishment should be legal, but executed only under strict conditions and used as a last solution.


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