Help for English

walk the line


Můžete mi prosím pomoci s překladem výrazu: walk the line ? Děkuji

Follow the rules.
It can be any of the following meanings: toe the mark, walk a fine line between good and evil, keep your nose clean, keep a balance in your life style.
Walking the Line is a euphamism for doing what is right and what someone might think of as too strict, as if the person would rather not be walking a line or have any restictions. However, since they are in love, „because of you, I walk the line,“ they're walking the line by not doing something that would either hurt or be disapproved of by the other. Also since Cash sang a lot about prisons, walking the line is what prisoners do in prison.
Source(s): * Sunshine

A nebo tohle je taky pekne vysvetleny

Walk the line means to stay on the straight and narrow- to play by the rules and obey the laws. Its origin comes from prisons or detention facilities where inmates had to walk the line which was painted on the center of the floor. If you got off the line you would be closer to something you shouldn't touch. If you stepped out of line you received more demerits. At least that's what they told us when I was in juvenile detention :-)

Thank you very much. 8-)


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