Help for English

we get the people


Philip Hart: So, how many applications did we get, Marcia?
Marcia Boardman: Well…overall we’ve got over two hundred…
PH: That many!?
MB: Yes, but…most of which we can discard right away…people who don’t have the right experience, qualifications that kind of thing…
PH: Of course…
MB: …and then we get the people who submit ten-page-long CVs, or CVs in comicbook font, or green ink, or they attach a photo of themselves disco dancing…you know the kind of thing!

Tu nechapem tomu slovicku „get“ v poslednej vete. Viem co sa tou vetou snazia povedat, len nechapem preco tam pouzili get alebo aky je jeho vyznam. Skor by mi to davalo vyznam, keby to bolo v minulom case – got.

Něco jako „A pak tu taky máme“…Jestli má někdo lepší překlad, ať se ozve.


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