Help for English

Kontrola pravopisu AJ


Potřebuju tohle projet někým kdo AJ zvládá dobře, bo já už nevím kde tam může být chyba…

Since 1980 lived once one man named Mark Green which was orphan. He didn't have parents, sibling and nor grandmother or grandfather. His life depended only on one person – on him.
He roamed in one town in Czechoslovakia where at him social worker came and she took him to orphanage. There Mark stayed to his 15 years but after he ran away from there. He stole nearest car which eventually finished in ditch on second side of city. Police took him and taken to the child's house where he stayed until his 18 years.
After it he decided move away already from Czech Republic to a different place. He decided for USA. He took nearest plane and departed to Chicago. After passport control he left to the office and he asked for Federal Citizenship. He got also new name. From Marek Zeleny he was named on Mark Green. In Chicago was then handed up advertisement and he found work near Roy's taxi service in Chicago. He stayed year there than occurred problem. He went into problem with local hooligans and nearly him was threatened prison but he sent them to prison instead of him. Then immediately he left from his work and left from Chicago to far cry from San Andreas. There he will try right now live without problems..


Chcete kontrolu PRAVOPISU nebo gramatiky???

gramatiky prosím, blbě jsem napsal nadpis ..

Bohužel na důkladnou kontrolu/opravu takto dlouhého textu nemám čas, ale když jsem to jen tak zběžně prolétl, největšími problémy jsou zejména:
1) český slovosled, který nedává v angličtině často smysl (obzvl. ve složitějších souvětích)
2) předložky
3) členy

My Change
When I was very young I went on the prime school.
My prime school was very good and It had got very big sportground
but my class was very naughty.For example when we were
on the school trip they wanted to steal some things in toy shop or
when we wrote test they refused to give over test and they often
destroyed test and thats why I wanted to go on the gymnasium.
I chose gymnasium but I had to 5 years wait until I will go on the gymnasium.
After 5 years I composed exam and I went on the English-Czech
gymnasium.This change was very good for me because I went on the
very good school and this is my school change.

Pls nemohl by se na to někdo mrknout …

When I was very young, I attended a fantastic primary school. I particularly liked the big playground there. My classmates, however, were a bunch of naughty kids. Their behaviour was so bad that on one school trip they wanted to shoplift in a toy shop. When we took tests, they often refused to hand them in and simply thrashed them. And that was the reason why I wanted to go to a good secondary school. I chose one, but I had another five years ahead of me before I had the opportuntity to realize it. I passed the entrance exams and finally I was accepted to my dream school. That one was special in one respect: classes were taught both in Czech and English. It was a great, refreshing change.

ptřeboval bych to opravit, předem děkuji:-) When I go to school, I wake up at 6 a.m. but I get up about 6:15 a.m, but i tis a big problem for me, because I like sleeping late. After waking up, I make my bed and I go to the bathroom, where I do my hygiene routine, for example I wash my face, brush my teeth and hair, sometimes I have a shower. Next go to the kitchen, where I usually prepare something for my breakfast. I prefer toast or bread with chesse, but my brother prefers something sweet, for example cornflakes or cake. I usually drink herbal tea, but my parents prefer coffee. I like reading the newspaper while I have breakfast. After I prepare my snack for school, for example some fruit. I put my school books and take my snack to the bag, After I go to the bedroom, where I get dressed. I like wearing T-shirt with blue jeans in summer. In winter I usually wear cap, sweater, gloves, anorak and boots. Every morning I must walk my dog, after I leave my home. It’s usually about 7:00 a.m. Usually my father takes me to my school by his car or I go on foot. We start school at 8:00. I get come to school 20 minutes before the bell rings. I change my shoes and put my jacket in the locker. I go to the classroom and prepare for the lesson. One lesson has 45 minutes, and then we have 10 minutes break During the breaks I usually study, eat a snack or talk with my friends. At lunchtime I go to the school canteen for lunch. We have got a good choice for lunch.School lesson usually finish at 4 p.m, because We usually have eight or nine lessons every day, but on Friday we have only five lessons. After school I usually go home, but sometimes I go downtown together with my friends. When I come home,I prepare for next day and change my clothes. My favourite after-school activity is relaxing and reading books. When the weather is good, I go out. I do some sport, for example I like in-line skating or riding a bike. In the evening I study or do homework. After I usually watch the news on TV. Next I have a dinner with my family. I often eat cornflakes with milk . After dinner I have a bath, wash my teeth and. I say good night to my parents and I go to bed. It’s at about 10 o’clock. My favourite day is Friday, because it’s the end of the week and I can go out. I love weekends, because I can sleep late and I have free time then at ordinary days. At the weekend I usually get up in 10 a.m. After. I help my mum with the housework. For example I do the ironing, washing up, cleaning up and dusting. After lunch I often visit my grandparents or I go out with my friends. We I go swimming or to the cinema on Saturday. In the evening I watch TV or chat with friends. From time to time I like to go to the disco in the evening. In my free time I like travelling too. I usually travel with my friends or my family on Sunday. I hate studying at the weekends.

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