Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


I've looked at, but things seems a little pricey to me there so I'll just stick to the first two sites, which are great :) Thanks

Yeah, well, I'm not saying that the sites are cheap. :-)

Some things are, some are not. But don't forget about their ‚bargain basement‘ :-)

You're right though, used to be cheaper.

Seeing all the great things in those shops, I'll go with Black Books, I guess and maybe The IT Crowd :)

Yes, and there are a lot of other quality British series too :-)

Any tips? :)

Oh sure :-)

Absolutely Fabulous
Beautiful People
Big Train
Book Group
Cold feet
Eddie Izzard
Fat Friends
Fawlty Towers
Green Wing
League of Gentlemen
Let them eat cake
Little Britain
The Office
Rock Profile

Thanks again. I think I'll buy The Office. It caught my attention once. They say it's better than the American Office.

And you know the American Office?
If you like it, after the British (original) version you can go for Extras. Also with Ricky Gervais.

Maybe I remerber it wrong but I thought it was 4, anyway, thanks for tips. Btw, I don´t think Little Britain is a quality show. I find it crappy! Cathrine Tate (simillar type of show) is much better, more stylish and less disgusting. Big Train is an avarage show, a bit dull. My tips: Father Ted, It Crowd, Ricky Gervais Show and Mighty Boosh. Of course top 3 for me are Black Books, Red Dwarf and Misfits!

  • of course Torchwood

Well, I dunno. Cathrine Tate is good too, but Little Britain crappy? Maybe you just didn't get it… :-)

Haven't seen Big train in a while, but I remember I liked it, so…

But yes, I do not expect everyone to like the same things as I do.
I just wanted to give McKay some tips, so I basically put down some of the British series I have at home.

I know, I am not trying to negate your opinion, I´m just expressing my own viewpoint :) and believe me, I got it, it´s just some scenes like the one with breastfeeding is too bloody tedious and I am no Puritan or something.

I don't know if it's tedious, but I agree that some scenes are simply too much when you first see them, but after a while you kinda get used to it and enjoy it… I mean, at least I do… :-)

Roman: No, I'm not that familiar with the American Office. I saw only a couple of episodes, which I found very funny, but when I was going through the reviews on imdb or csfd, many people mentioned the British Office was much better. Well, I don't know about that, so I'm going to watch both.

Well, the only thing I know is that this kind of humour is not for everyone :-) No matter if it's American or British. But they say that the British Office is even ‚worse‘ :-)
I saw only a few episodes myself.
But my this month's favourite is Psychoville, which is super spooky and also funny, surprisingly.


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