Help for English

Prosím byl bych moc rád kdyby mi nekdo zkontroloval tento dopis nebo napsal jak maji ty vety spravne vypadat


nebo napsal jak maji ty vety spravne vypadat :-(

Hello Gina,
Today I came back home from two-day trip with my friends. We were in sunny place in Austria, by the way we spent two days almost on the top of Grossglockner mountain. The first day, we decided to go for a bike, which showed as the good idea, because nature in Austria is indescribably beautiful. The next day, we went to see nice city in Salzburk, but there was too hot for me. Our return way was very exciting, because we were out of petrol and the immediate petrol station was 5 miles away. So we must/had to called wrecking service. I think, that the trip was very interesting, the weather was beautiful all the time, so we enjoyed it.
Vojtech Dolezal

  • raději bych nedělala ve větě žádné čárky, AJ má jinou logiku než ČJ a ty to používáš přesně v „české“ logice
    • …we decided to ride the bike, which was a good idea (to showed se mi nezdá…)
    • … we went to visit Salzburk (psát city in S. – je blbost)
    • our return way -to bych nahradila Our way home was …
    • the nearest petrol station
    • so we had to call a …
    • I think that (před that nikdy čárka)
    • dej pak vědět, jaks dopad


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