noun, American English - a small metal identification tag worn by military personnel, typically on a chain around the neck or attached to clothing or equipment
noun, informal - a person who ruins the fun (by being too negative or unenthusiastic)
verb, informal - to fail or collapse, often used in reference to businesses or plans
noun, informal - a magazine
noun - short for "attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder"
noun, British English - a large waterproof sheet used for example to protect something from the rain
noun, American English - a stick in a car that is used to change gears
noun, British English - a stick in a car that is used to change gears
noun - a special car light used in foggy weather to help drivers see better and be seen better
noun, American English - a liquid solution used to clean the windscreen of a vehicle, typically mixed with water and sprayed onto the windscreen
noun, British English - a liquid solution used to clean the windscreen of a vehicle, typically mixed with water and sprayed onto the windscreen
noun - a portable device placed on the road to alert other drivers of a hazard or emergency situation
noun, American English - one of the two cables used to connect the battery of one vehicle to the dead battery of another vehicle