verb, formal - to announce or proclaim something, especially in a formal or ceremonial way; to signal the arrival or beginning of something
noun - an official messenger or announcer in medieval times, often involved in ceremonial duties
noun, formal - a sign or symbol that signals the approach or beginning of something
adjective - light in weight; less heavy than usual; made of thin material
verb - to make someone a slave or completely control them
noun - the suppression or restriction of information, speech, or media by an authority
adjective, informal - able to be done; feasible or achievable
noun, technical - a medical practice originating in ancient China that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain, treat various health conditions, or promote overall wellness
noun - a situation of great destruction, damage, or disorder, often causing widespread chaos and confusion
adjective - (of a voice) rough and unfriendly
adjective - abrupt, unfriendly, or rough in manner
adverb - without showing any emotion, understanding, or interest; in a way that lacks expression or intent
adjective - causing confusion or difficulty in understanding
noun - a structure of crossed strips of wood, metal, or other material, typically arranged in a diagonal pattern with open spaces in between