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Předložky - Kurt Vonnegut

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 20.08.2006

Přečtěte si text o americkém spisovateli Kurtu Vonnegutovi, a doplňte správné předložky.

Complete the text with correct prepositions. There can be only one word in each gap.

Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt VonnegutKurt Vonnegut, Jr., a famous American novelist and short-story writer, was born 1922 Indiana. the lasttwo years Shortridge High Schoolhe was a co-editor the school newspaper andgained his first experience writing a wide audience.

After graduating Shortridge 1940,Vonnegut headed Cornell University.He specialized Chemistry, because his father wanted him to study something useful. However, his academic performance was very bad and Vonnegut decided to join the army.

December 14, 1944, Vonnegut was captured the Germans and sent Dresden. February 13, 1945, the city was bombed allied forces, and 135,000 unprotected civillians were killed. Vonnegut was one the few people who survived the bombing, and returned to the United States.

Since then he has written many novels and short stories, as well as works non-fiction. The most famous is undoubtedly Slaughterhouse Five, which deals his experience a prisoner of war anda witness one ofthe greatest massacres human history.

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Nepřečteno Předložky - Kurt Vonnegut 11 17393 Od Lucka Skrčená poslední příspěvek
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