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Weather vocabulary test

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 29.07.2008

Test znalosti slovíček spojených s počasím.

  1. I think it's impossible to ________ the weather more than a week or so ahead.

  2. Low clouds and ________ of fog will greet early risers in the Midlands this morning.

  3. There was rain in the night. The ground is still ________.

  4. Sunscreen will protect you from the ________ sun.

  5. The ________ for tomorrow is rain or showers.

  6. The temperature was only 5 ________.

  7. People say that ________ never strikes twice in the same place.

  8. After a cold Easter period, the weather is ________ up to be nice and dry this weekend.

  9. The sky was ________, not a cloud in sight.

  10. In England there are usually ________ winters. There is very little snow and temperatures rarely drop below zero.

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Téma Přísp. Přečteno Poslední příspěvek
Nepřečteno Weather vocabulary test 11 13148 Od Marek Vít poslední příspěvek
před 16 lety