Help for English

Friends and acquaintances

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 22.03.2009

Conversational questions for Friends & acquaintances

  • have you got many friends or rather several ones?
  • are they mainly from your school or hometown, or where?
  • why are friendships important?
  • what´s the difference between a FRIEND and an ACQUAINTANCE? (your opinion)
  • what´s your oldest friendship? (where and when did you meet? Do you keep on meeting? What helped you make friends? What do you have in common?)
  • who´s your best friend? (description of physical appearance, character traits, how long have you known each other? How did you meet? What do you have in common? Wow do you spend your time together? What makes him/her your best friend? Add a funny / interesting / adventurous / best memory if you like...
  • how important is forgiveness in human relationships?
  • what do you think you would never forgive?
  • where / how can you meet some new people?
  • have you made friends via Internet? (Where from? How did you ?meet"? Have you seen each other in person? Are you planning on it? What brought you together?)
  • what interesting person would you like to meet?
  • if you could have dinner with a famous person, who would you choose and why? What would you ask him / her?
  • tell us about the most interesting person you´ve ever met
  • what do you think is important to do to keep a friendship ?alive"?
  • compare: love versus friendship

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