Everyone knows what dragons look like or what vampires like to drink. But have you heard of these monsters from different parts of the world?
He is big, he is tall, he is furry all over. He must be Bigfoot! This giant mountain man was seen hundreds of times in the mountains of North America. As far as I know though, he's never attacked anyone. Can we actually call him a monster?
Baba Yaga
/bɑ:bə jɑ:gə/
With iron teeth and a long nose, the witch Baba Yaga is the terror of the Russian forests. Her house stands on chicken legs, and there is a fence of bones around it. But before you put her on your evil people list, remember that in many stories Baba Yaga is actually a wise and helpful character.
These long haired Irish fairies are dressed in grey with red eyes. If they come to your house and scream, it means someone in your family will die! If you catch them, you can at least make them tell you who it is.
It is a huge dog with three heads and the tail of a snake! Cerberus guards the entrance to the Greek underworld. You can sometimes walk past him by playing music. And if this sounds familiar, remember that J. K. Rowling studied Greek myths at university before writing Harry Potter…
If you ever go to South Africa, be careful of one-legged jumping people. Hai-uri is a one-legged, one-armed, half invisible monster. Although he's only got one leg, he's still a very good hunter, and jumps over bushes and small trees to hunt humans.
Sometimes Greek sailors filled their ears with wax. Were they crazy? No. They were trying to stay away from sirens, beautiful singing women. Their songs are so beautiful that when you hear one, you jump off your boat and swim to their island. And that's the end of you.
From Gate Magazine, October 2013
Written by Joanna Coleman (UK), © Bridge Publishing 2013
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