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Cloze: Easter Traditions

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 31.03.2018

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Easter Traditions

Have you ever heard “egg-rolling”? It must quite an exciting game. First people decorate eggs different colours, then take the eggs to the top of a hill and them roll down. The first egg to get the foot of the is the winner. Another interesting British tradition is the decoration of Easter bonnets. Some women girls decorate hats, called Easter bonnets. They lots of spring flowers on them, and wear them in Easter bonnet parades.

Do you feel eating something British for Easter? Just try Easter buns! Hot Cross Buns traditionally served Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Hot Cross buns are bread buns with currants and spices and they have a cross on top (to represent the cross of Jesus). They are best hot, and there even is an old song  them.

(Adapted from an article written by Katherine Rose McCurrie)

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