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Cloze: The History of Valentine's Day

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 08.02.2020

Do krátkého článku o historii dne Sv. Valentýna doplňte vynechaná slova.

Cloze: The History of Valentine's Day

Do následujícího textu doplňte chybějící slova. Do každé mezery patří vždy pouze jediné slovo (může to být např. předložka, spojka, člen, zájmeno, podstatné jméno apod.)

Valentine's Day is also as Saint Valentine’s Day since it's named Saint Valentine. He was a priest lived in Rome during the 3rd century. During his time, Emperor Claudius passed a that didn’t allow Roman soldiers to marry. He wanted them to completely devoted to serving Rome. is where Saint Valentine came in to help. He helped these soldiers married in secret ceremonies. But unfortunately, after a of time, Saint Valentine was caught and jailed for a traitor and betraying Claudius. When he was in jail, he was devoted to his fellow prisoners and helped some of them escape. He fell in with the jailer's daughter. She was blind and many people believed that he had cured her blindness. He loved her much that he wrote her a love letter to express his affection and admiration for her being executed. He signed ‘From your Valentine’. He was executed the 14th of February.

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