What is a leprechaun?
Leprechauns are small, fairy-like creatures from Irish folklore. They look like old men with beards and wear green clothes, a tall hat, and small shoes. Many stories say they work as shoemakers. They are very clever and love playing tricks on people.
According to legends, leprechauns have a pot of gold hidden at the end of a rainbow. If you catch a leprechaun, he must give you three wishes or show you where his treasure is. But catching one is very difficult because leprechauns are fast and tricky. They often disappear before anyone can stop them.
Today, leprechauns are an important symbol of Ireland. They appear in books, cartoons, and holiday decorations, especially on Saint Patrick’s Day. People like to dress up as leprechauns and use them in celebrations. These little creatures make Irish culture more fun and magical.
Recorded by Mark Manning, a native speaker from Ireland, 2025