Vydáno dne 30.08.2008
Test, ve kterém si procvičíte používání sloves spojených
s oblékáním.
Pokud si nejste jisti, zda tato slovesa ovládáte dobře, přečtěte si článek Clothing – Verbs.
How do you ________ for work?
Last week I bought a nice jacket and now I got a great ________ cap.
I was cold so I ________ my sweatshirt.
________ the zip of your fly. It's embarrassing.
________ your belt. Your trousers are loose.
Can I ________ the necklace? I might want to buy it.
________ the shirt! It's cold in here.
________! You have to go to school.
If you are hot, ________ the jacket.
What are you going to ________ for the party?