Vydáno dne 10.02.2009
Otestujte si v pokročilejším testu, co jste se naučili v rozboru slov a frází druhé lekce, věnované pracovním inzerátům.
Pokud si nejste jisti, potřebnou lekci obchodní angličtiny naleznete zde.
What would you say were the most notable ________ in your previous job?
I don't understand why they keep saying the salary is ________ . I don't have any idea how much that might be. I mean if they want to hire me, they will have to tell me eventually anyway.
He received an ________ bonus of 10,000. I don't think it's fair. I just had one day off last quarter. I think I should get it too.
I don't think you should ________ until you get your end-of-year bonus.
Do they offer any interesting ________ benefits? Otherwise I wouldn't accept their offer. The salary is not that good.
You will be given the opportunity to ________ the experience you already have by working in different areas.
If you ________ , you will get a pay rise of 5%.
I would love to help you, but there are no ________ in our firm at the moment.
I don't understand that. He got ________ after just four weeks of working here for no apparent reason whatsoever.
He ________ any sufficient experience.