BUSINESS 04: Cover Letter (test A)

Vydáno dne 04.07.2009

Vyzkoušejte si v našem jednodušším testu A, jestli umíte správně doplnit průvodní (motivační) dopis.

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Vyberte z možností tu, která se do emailu hodí nejlépe.

Pokud si nejste jisti, čtvrtou lekci obchodní angličtiny, ve které se rozebírá životopis, naleznete zde a zde.

Dear ________________________________ (1) ,

I am writing ________________________________ (2) your ________________________________ (3) on the site JobSearch for the ________________________________ (4) of Sales Manager. I believe that the ________________________________ (5) and my skills are a perfect  ________________________________ (6) .

As you will see in my ________________________________ (7) CV, I have the educational background, professional experience, and track record for which you are searching.

________________________________ (8) my extensive career I have proven my sales expertise, motivation, management and operational skills. One of my best achievements was increasing sales ________________________________ (9) 60% in the period of 9 months.

In addition, I am well ________________________________ (10) with the SAP software, which is also required. ________________________________ (11) information is available ________________________________ (12) request.

I am ________________________________ (13) for an ________________________________ (14) any time that is ________________________________ (15) for you. You can ________________________________ (16) me at +420 222 100 100.

Thank you for taking the time to study my ________________________________ (17) . I hope to ________________________________ (18) from you in the near future and I look forward ________________________________ (19)  you.

________________________________ (20) ,

Michael Skoda

    1. a) future employer
    2. b) Madam/Sir
    3. c) Madams and Sirs
    4. d) Sir/Madam
    1. a) for response to
    2. b) in responding on
    3. c) in response of
    4. d) in response to
    1. a) ad
    2. b) advertise
    3. c) advertising
    4. d) advertisment
    1. a) pose
    2. b) posing
    3. c) position
    4. d) posts
    1. a) demands
    2. b) requirements
    3. c) requires
    4. d) requirments
    1. a) agreement
    2. b) combination
    3. c) connection
    4. d) match
    1. a) attached
    2. b) attachement
    3. c) attaching
    4. d) attachment
    1. a) Thorough
    2. b) Through
    3. c) Throughout
    4. d) Throught
    1. a) by
    2. b) from
    3. c) to
    4. d) up to
    1. a) acquaint
    2. b) acquainted
    3. c) know
    4. d) known
    1. a) Added
    2. b) Adding
    3. c) Additional
    4. d) Next
    1. a) at
    2. b) in
    3. c) on
    4. d) upon
    1. a) accessible
    2. b) affordable
    3. c) availability
    4. d) available
    1. a) discuss
    2. b) discussion
    3. c) interview
    4. d) interwiev
    1. a) convenience
    2. b) convenient
    3. c) conveniently
    4. d) conventional
    1. a) calling
    2. b) find
    3. c) get
    4. d) reach
    1. a) application
    2. b) apply
    3. c) applycation
    4. d) applyment
    1. a) hear
    2. b) listen
    3. c) speak
    4. d) talk
    1. a) for meet
    2. b) for meeting
    3. c) to meet
    4. d) to meeting
    1. a) Bye
    2. b) Faithfully
    3. c) Yours
    4. d) Yours faithfully
Správné odpovědi: 1) Sir/Madam , 2) in response to , 3) ad , 4) position , 5) requirements , 6) match , 7) attached , 8) Throughout , 9) by , 10) acquainted , 11) Additional , 12) upon , 13) available , 14) interview , 15) convenient , 16) reach , 17) application , 18) hear , 19) to meeting , 20) Yours faithfully
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