BUSINESS 04: Cover Letter (test B)

Vydáno dne 14.07.2009

Vaším úkolem je tentokrát dosadit ve správné podobě slovíčka do průvodního (motivačního) dopisu v pokročilém testu B.

Course Map (mapa kurzu)



Následující slova vložte do životopisu na nejvhodnější místo. Každé použijte jen jednou. Použijte všechna slova.

Pozor! Některé výrazy musíte upravit do vhodného tvaru.

Pokud si nejste jisti, čtvrtou lekci obchodní angličtiny, ve které se rozebírá životopis, naleznete zde a zde.

attach deep involve special
branch essential level success
consider experience regard talk
contribute far should therefore
current include sincere your

Dear Mr. Brown:

From your company's web site I learned about your need for an HR Manager for your ___________________________(1) in Birmingham. I am very interested in this job, which relates strongly to my ten years of ___________________________(2) in Human Resources at senior management  ___________________________(3) .

I am ___________________________(4) a Human Resources Manager of BigTomato and I believe I meet all the ___________________________(5) criteria of the position. My work at BigTomato has been rewarding and productive. I have been ___________________________(6) ___________________________(7) in management and development of BigTomato's Human Resources career strategies, ___________________________(8) in particular our highly ___________________________(9) Career Path Management Consulting for staff and management.

I feel equipped to carry out the leadership required, managing workers who ___________________________(10) in various activities such as employment, compensation, benefits, or employee relations.

I ___________________________(11) believe I could make a valuable ___________________________(12) to your company in this position.

___________________________(13) is a copy of my CV, which more fully details my qualifications for the position.

I look forward to ___________________________(14) with you ___________________________(15) opportunities with your company. Within the next week I will contact you to confirm that you received my email and CV and to answer any questions you may have.

Please contact me ___________________________(16) you require any ___________________________(17) information. You can also reach me at +420 123 456 789.

Thank you for your time and ___________________________(18) .

___________________________(19) ___________________________(20) ,

Dan Barrow

Správné odpovědi: 1) branch / office ; 2) experience ; 3) level ; 4) currently ; 5) essential ; 6) deeply ; 7) involved ; 8) including ; 9) successful ; 10) specialize / specialise ; 11) therefore ; 12) contribution ; 13) Attached ; 14) talking ; 15) regarding ; 16) should ; 17) further ; 18) consideration ; 19) Yours ; 20) sincerely
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