Vydáno dne 16.09.2018
Víte, co znamená věta “We have some cake left”? Dnes si ukážeme dvě
užitečná spojení pro vyjádření “zbytku”.
V dnešním článku si řekneme něco o velice užitečné vazbě, která nesouvisí se stranou vlevo left, ale s nepravidelným slovesem leave, které má tvary leave – left – left. A právě třetí tvar (příčestí minulé) left/'left/ je základem dnešní vazby.
Pozn.: Více v článku Slovíčko LEAVE.
Jak tato vazba vznikla? Sloveso leave má mimo jiné význam nechat / ponechat a jde vlastně o trpný rod.
At the end of the party there was a lot of wine left. *1
All that was left was a small piece of chocolate. *2
There were no other people left to do it. *3
She ate everything that was left. *4
You can take all the cookies that are left. *5
The kids ate everything that was left of the cake. *6
Stop eating the biscuits. There aren't many left. *7
There was nothing left. *8
We have some cake left. *9
I only have five pounds left. *10
How much time do we have left? *11
Help yourself. We still have some sandwiches left. *12
How many beers do we have left? *13
You don't have to buy any bread. We still have some left. *14
I still had some dough left so I prepared one more cake. *15
Sorry, I can't lend you any money. I don't have much left. *16
After buying the house we had some money left, so we bought a new TV set. *17
Často můžete slyšet i delší spojení be left over / have sth left over, která mají v podstatě stejný význam.
At the end of the party there was a lot of wine left over. *18
She ate everything that was left over. *19
After buying the house we had some money left over, so we bought a new TV set. *20
Z posledního spojení také vzniká podstatné a přídavné jméno leftover:
Složené slovo leftover/'leftəʊvə/ je i podstatné jméno, které se používá v množném čísle:
She didn't have time to go shopping, but prepared a nice dinner from leftovers. *21
After the party the kitchen was full of leftovers. *22
If you are still hungry there are some leftovers from dinner. *23
Don't give the leftovers to the dog. We have proper dog food. *24
Složené slovo leftover/'leftəʊvə/ je také přídavné jméno. Nestojí však samostatně, ale vždy před podstatným jménem:
After the party her kitchen was full of leftover food. *25
We used a piece of the leftover carpet and laid it in the utility room. *26
Meg used the leftover paint and decorated the kitchen. *27
You can use almost any leftover meat and vegetables to make a stew. *28
Pozor tedy na leftover (jedno slovo) a left over (dvě slova):
She drank the leftover wine. *29
She drank the wine that was left over. *30 (nebo pouze left)