Vydáno dne 30.08.2011
Gramatické cvičení zaměřené na pomocná slovesa použitá ve větách, konkrétně v dodatcích typu „ale já ano“ nebo „ale já ne“.
On je vysoký, ale já ne.
Ona nečte knihy, ale já ano.
He is tall but I no.
She doesn't read books but I yes.
He is tall but I'm not.
She doesn't read books but I do.
1. English is easy but French ___________________________(1) . It's incredibly hard!
2. She likes working there but I ___________________________(2) . It's a hellhole!
3. They can't win but I ___________________________(3) . I'm the best!
4. I know you've never done it before, but I ___________________________(4) . I can help.
5. Nobody knows what it's like but I ___________________________(5) . I've been there.
6. I didn't break the window but I know who ___________________________(6) .
7. If nobody will tell you, I ___________________________(7) .
8. I'm not in love with you but Roger ___________________________(8) . Why don't you give him a chance?
A: Come on, Jamie, we've got to go.
B: No no, you have to go, I
Ryan: I didn't know your kind of lawyer made money.
Sandy: We don't. My wife