Father…(start) to wash the car after mother.....(go)out.
toto je veta z cvicenia z jednej internetovej stranky.
Ja som doplnil takto:
Father started to wash the car after mother had gone out.(Otec zacal umyvat auto
po tom ako matka odisla von).
Po skontrolovany mi vyhadzuje v obidvoch castiach chybu teda podla vyhodnotenia
by to malo byt:
Father had started to wash the car after mother went out.Ale to mi akosi nedava
zmysel,to by namiesto „after“ muselo byt „before“.ako to teda ma
byt?mylim sa ja alebo pocitac ?
A este nieco.Keby som chcel napisat:Matka odisla von a otec zacal hned umyvat
auto.V tomto pripade by som musel pouzit v oboch castiach prosty minuly cas
nie?Teda:My mother went out and father started to wash car at once.