Help for English

country X city


mam napsat kratky clanek na tema proc zit ve meste nebo na venkove.
neco jsem tedy sesmolil a potreboval bych to zkontrolovat jestli je to gramaticky dobre, diky moc

Life in a country is very different from life in a city. Life in a country has an own advantages. At first I think that in country are just a few people which you almost of them well know. In a country is very clean air and you can live a healthier life. There are: wide open space, the quiet, nature, animals and woods. Negative is that all is so far. When you want to eat fast food or to go to school you must take a bus or ride by car there. In a city are for example cinemas, theatres, schools, post or supermarket more accessible. Many young people would to live in a city because there is a lot of exciting activities for the younger crowd, such as a variety of clubs, pubs and concerts and older people are look for quiet.


Life in the country is different from life in a city. The life in the country has some advantages. Firstly, I think that in the country there are just a few people who you don't know well (you know almost all of them, I suppose). Secondly, in the country there is a clean air and you can generally live a healthier life than in a city. You can be surrounded by wide open space, god's silence, nice countryside and animals in large woods. What's negative, on the other hand, is that everything is too far. If you want to eat out (e.g. junk food – just kidding) or go to school, you must take a bus or use a car. In a city, for example, cinemas, theatres, schools, post offices or supermarkests are far more accessible. Many young people want to live in a city because there are lots of exiting activities they can do or they can go to, such as variety of clubs, pubs and concerts. Tu poslední větu jsem nějak nepochopil. Jestli to má být (naproti tomu starší lidé hledají klid?).

To je moje verze, ale smysl něktrých vět jsem těžko dával dohromady. Je to spíš volný překlad – bez záruky správnosti.


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