Help for English



Have you ever seen this great documentary film? It's about the Christian religion, lies, wars and mainly the USA. I was very shocked when I saw it. It's a very interesting film.

What is your opinion about that? Do you trust the government of the USA or that film?

You can see it even with czech subtitles here:…

Of course the government of the United stated has some secrets. Our has too.

But I don't trust to Christian religion… Theye're just pulling money from the Nations and their people… Something like Umbrella corp. :-D

Yes, you are right that is the real evil. I hate it. I believe only in myself. :)

I believe in second chance :-)

I think the movie was full of shit. How can someone think that the U.S would hijack their own planes and crash them into their monuments? I admit that there are some in discrepancies (SP?) regarding 9/11 especially the Pentagon crash but I do believe it was Bin Ladin on his magic flying carpet.

Pilda:Did you see that.?I did…it was intresting.At first time I didint understand that but after 5 minutes I get to the point.The movie was intreasting.peace

I dont trust any governments :-)

I also saw Zeitgeist and generally I liked it.
I think that governments don't tell truth about certain things to people and they have good reasons for that. The same is true for the church. This way elities running this world can easily manipulate with ordinary people who still use mass media(tv,press, etc.) as the main source of coverage about events in their own countries and world.
Luckily, we have internet where we can find alternative insights into certain facts as well as plenty of so called conspiracy theories. Because of internet we are better informed and we learn about things we otherwise wouldn't get knowledge of.

And thanks to the internet we can be misled and misinformed in more ways than ever…


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