Help for English

Light and Darkness in the world.


It's all just about physics. Nothing more :-)

You arent right.My psychich think its good.But it wasnt

Yeah, there's no doubt that in physics, there're still things beyond our knowledge, but everything can be expressed physically. You can't question that.

But my syle is good.And you can beat physics if is your mind strong and good…

Excuse me… What does „syle“ stand for? My dictionary doesnt know that…

I am not comprehend you.

That doesn't make any sense, too.
You can say „I don't comprehend you“. But „I am not comprehend“ is not possible.

Nevertheless, your mind is physics. It is just protons, neutrons and other parts of particle(photons, mesons…), known and unknown… Although it is very complicated, it is true.

You are coplicated and and my mind isnt physics,but free.

Well, we all are affected and influenced by the universe. It's fact. But if my mind would be free, it wouldn't be bad. However, this can be done only behind the limits of our universe. :-)


Well, what part specifically do you need to explain? :-)

The last sentence.

Follow me.
I meant the only spot where you are NOT affected by the universi is beyond ITS LIMITS :-) Got it? :-)

Write to me message ( in czech ) how did you mean it.I can see it has a two senses

I can´t agree with you.


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