Help for English

Light and Darkness in the world.


Well, science can prove it :)

science ? But it isn´t only one way

What is the other way? :-)

Way of trying it.But your mind must be really strong.There are a seven levels of power(=mind power).

And these intel are based on what? :-)

I think Mr. D frointer isn't much energetically efficient and his english is also bad, if not the worst I have read in my life.
And I'm still writing in the passive capacity, so someone can understand what am I pointing out here.

Dear Mr. D, please think it through before you post something. The pen really does overpower the sword, but only if you know how to use it, because my brain storage matter can't capture it and it is not because it'd be that much of a challenge. Thank you.

I must return to place when I wrote :Are you a knight of light ,too?-That was mistake.I am a lot of stronger and sortinger then I was when I wrote it.I am knew its mistake.Knights of light doesn exist.There are only people with power.

All my power is from god.If lost my belief and belief in him, I will lost my strenght.

Second mistake:Light will return and crush evil strenghts.-All worlds(-planets)will destroyed and all pepople and animals will die.But there wiil new heaven and new ground without evil.Good people from first world will in second world.Evil from first world will be punish.

Third mistake: I never met satanist yet.But one of votaresses said me it.

People can fall into darkness.But thei are not from light.-but you can follow and endly go to heaven

I just wanted to say, that you make me having my neurotransmitters cold, because what you say is nonsense and I don't know if it is because your english isn't ahead of mine, or just because your brain has never had the opportunity to grow. 8-)

Calm down, guys :-)
Well, how do you define god? Just a few neurons (NOT neutrons!) in your brain? Or what? Or something we don't understand to? No. Science refutes it all (faith) :-) More specifically, science admit the faith as a brain proccess which you can use as a motivation, but refute faith as a supernatural source of power or so.

Scientific mind is always fresher. That wheelchair talking about mind powers is bound to be pulled apart by gravity of knowledge.
And those who believe in that mindlessness are going to remain unenlightened and stay in a place darker than a light gradiant that is not refracting like the bluepills that are stucked up in the matrix.

And that's my word.

Amen. :-D


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