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Clanok o Mikulasovi Cernakovi


Rozhodol som sa priatelom z Ameriky predstavit Mikulasa Cernaka (hadam viete kto to je).. Prosim vas mrkli by sta sa mi na to ci tam niesu nejake velke chyby? :-) Je to celkom zaujimave citanie..

Mikulas Cernak called Miki or Mito comes from Brezno (city). He is 42 years old but he still looks young because he has never worked hard.. He used to work as a bus driver. Then in 1990 he established private security company named Security 3. He extorted other firms and then they had to pay him for protection. He made lot of money, bought cars, horses and tigers. He was all about tigers.

In 1997 came out a warrant on him and after two days he voluntarily came to a police station as a person wanted by the police. But policemen were afraid to arrest him so they waited till a special commando came. Cernak was charged of extorting and spended 8 years in prison. Just as he got out of the prison, he get charged of murders that he had done before going to prison for the first time. Before judges didnt know he had murdered and ordered murders. (Do you understand?) He was at liberty only for a few seconds.. He had to come back in front of the court where he still is because they still bring a charge home to him. They still examine witnesses. Now he is facing accusation of eight murders. The legal proceeding is supposed to end on 12th Feb 2009 when we will get to know results. Btw investigating script has more than 10 000 pages.

Important names that I will talk about:
Both men used to be Cernak's close friends but now they evidence against him.

Slavomir Surovy: – he says he was Cernak's driver but Cernak says he was just a starter who started a car and made sure if there wasnt a bomb. Surovy testifies as a witness of murders. When Cernak cut off Gustav Slivensky' head, he made Surovy throw it away somewhere. Surovy was shocked and nervous walked around the hotel where it happened. He didnt know where to throw it away. Later, Cernak laughed: ‚Haha if you had seen Slavo how he walked on a parking lot with the head, …‘

Milan Reichel: – he was Cernak's friend, owner of the hotel where Cernak cut off the head. He testifies as a witness. Btw Milan was a bodybuilder representant of Czechoslovakia.

Murders described by witnesses:

1994 – murdered Jozef Filip

Exsoldier Filip was consired to be a police informator. He was shooted into the head next to digged hole, then they jumped on his head.
Milan Reichel said: ‚I had birthday when it happened. Cernak called me to look how to scare Filip. I didnt know what would happen. Cernak shooted him into the head, gave me a hug and said happy birthday.‘

One month later he killed Jozef Stefan and Pavol Lenhart.
Cernak brought Stefan down in a car and then flamed him. He was still alive when he was burning. Lenarth was killed in Cernak's office of Security 3.
Later he killed another two men.

1997 – Killed Gustav Slivensky

Cernak and his crew came to Reichel's hotel. He killed him with a knife, cut off his head and then they was cleaning his head and laughing like crazy. Then they made fun of Surovy (nervous walking on the parking lot with the head). When Surovy came back with the head, they put a police cap on the head and gave it on a car's roof.

People who's known Cernak since he was a kid say:

A lot of people know how he became such a powerful man but everyone is afraid to talk about it. Even though he is under police control and stuck in the legal proceeding, he is still very powerful. Cernak's friend from the childhood said: 'Miki was not special until he was 14. Then his father died and Miki became strong. He worked as a bus driver but then he started his business. He became something like a heavenly creature in a short time.

‚Somebody said that I was a boss. I dont know. I am just a businesseman who pays taxes‘, said Mikulas Cernak in 1997 when he came to a police station as a person wanted by the police. In that he was unknown for public.. The public might have remembered him as a man who was showed by TV as a great breeder of tigers and later the TV showed his huge birthday celebration. He was not unknow for people from Brezno where he was born. They couldnt believe and shaked their head „Miki and mafia boss? Never!“.. Even though he had expensive car he helped people a lot..


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