Help for English

What's your favorite book?


I'm of the mind that reading books is improving English rapidly. I've been reading Eragon by Paolini lately (which I can recommend) and I can feel that I've improved in writing and reading. I also learned many new words. I remember when I was watching only TV shows and then it struck me and I realized I couldn't learn English without reading. By watching TV shows you learn mostly spoken English. When you grab a book you won't understand much, at least I didn't at first but after about fifty pages of reading I didn't care what a particular word meant, all of a sudden I began understanding the text even if I didn't know all the words. I didn't need to look up for words in a dictionary. I kept reading and here we are. Reading became nearly my obsession.

Books I want to read:
- Chronicles of Narnia – It's too long and I haven't finished it yet. I'll read it asap.
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter 6

my favorite boook is…
I don´t like read boook!!!
I don´t read!!!
Read my hoby is no!!!
I don´t speakink and english good!

to Verunexka: Nice :-D


Pěkně s ní mlátí puberta. :-D

Check out her profile :)

I don't have any book nuber one, but I like books about WW II.

The best one is The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I like not only the books, but also LOTR films. :-)

King Rat (Kral Krysa) by James Clavell. If you havent read it, then I highly recommend it! I gave it to one of my friends who claimed he doesn't enjoy reading and having read this book, he changed his opinion…
The interesting thing is that in English version there were some extra pages I didn't find in the Czech one.. Anyway, there were kind of boring so I am not surprise a Czech interpreter missed them out :-)

HARDLY RECOMMEND IT actually means you don't recommend it. HIGHLY RECOMMEND or STRONGLY RECOMMEND is ok.

As someone has already written, reading is the best way how to improve your English – especially the vocabulary. It helped me too. Most of my favorite writers have already been mentioned here – A. Christie (I am collecting her books in English but it goes on very slowly :-)), The Alchemist by Coelho is great too. I also have it in MP3 in Czech read by Marek Eben and it is nice. I love Pride and Prejudice by Austen for its language and humor. Another great author was Oscar Wilde (thank you Mr. Vít a lot for the stories by Wilde here on the web :-) or J.D.Salinger (e.g. The catcher in the Ray), R.Bach (e.g. Seagull)

I have just received a package from Englishbooks I ordered a week ago (Terry Pratchett – The Colour of Magic – I tried to win it in the competition here but I was not lucky :-( ).

For those who learn English and like to read or listen in original, there are two great webs, which help. I am not sure how it is here with links, so I hope you won’t mind me placing two links here. The first one is (there you can find the original texts of books which are in public domain – so are free to download (were written before 1923). And the second web is – there the volunteers place the books they read in English and other languages in MP3 format. The books are again those which are in public domain and are read by ordinary people so not all of them are “professional like” but they are all free again and you can download it and listen to it too. You will find there many classics. BTW on librivox, the texts and descriptions are also in Czech!

And if you like to listen to radio on internet, have a look at the webpage of BBC Radio 7 – it broadcasts radio plays or book readings in English. You can find there many famous books (e.g. crimes by A.Christie) and listen to it.

I love reading. And read really lot, nowadays also in English. But there is only one serie that I read several times – unexpectedly it is Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and half of the last one Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer.
But I also read many ohthers: Paulo Coelho, Robert Schlink, Stephen King, Mark Haddon, K. Rowling, all books about England in Elizabeth I. times, about Incan and so on. Only thing that I cannot meantime read are poems. **** ****

I love reading, too. Now I am reading The Godfather from Mario Puzo and it´s really good. My other favourite books are for example: The Lord of the Rings (also movies are great), all books from Jeffery Deaver, especially The Bone Collector – fantastic thriller, much better than movie! and recently I like books from J.K. Rowling, which I try read in original. :?

I can't say that I love reading generally, since I find it better to sleep than to read shoddy commercial gargbage, with which the market is infested. However, quality books are definitely worth sacrifing a certain amount of time to.
Else said, there are two kinds of books – ones beatify the life, the other beautify the apartment. (a proverb).

„Music and Silence“ by Rose Tremain is a rather good one.
Three Men on the Bummel & in the Boat by J. K. Jerome.
The Outsider by Camus.
Kurt Vonnegut.
Jé, hele co jsem našel! Defoe, Klapka, Cervates, Caroll, Wilde a kupa dalších online!


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