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The Southern Accent

Komentáře k článku: The Southern Accent



Thanks for your articles. Do you have an example of the Southern accent? I would be grateful if you have. Thanks. :-)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Senad vložený před 17 lety


Thanks for your articles. Do you have an example of the Southern accent? I would be grateful if you have. Thanks. :-)

Re: Example

Hi! Most of my friends are like me: they strive for a more standard American accent. However, I'm going to talk to some of my parents' friends and see if I can't record them. I can't promise anything, but I'll try.
A quick example of the Southern accent, which you probably already know, is that, in the South, the second person plural pronoun, which would normally be „you“ or „you guys“ is „ya'll“. You might see it spelled „y'all,“ but no one really knows how to spell it. I have a long, long reason I like „ya'll“ better. :) Some other time.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Senad vložený před 17 lety


Thanks for your articles. Do you have an example of the Southern accent? I would be grateful if you have. Thanks. :-)

Re: Example

One example I can think of is.. and Kelly please correct me if I'm wrong, that in the Southern accent some dipthongs like /ai/ are pronounced as long vowels, for example /a:/. LIKE is not /laik/ but /la:k/. LIFE is not /laif/ but /la:f/.

Another example I can think of is the long vowel /3:/ which is pronounced for example in the word BIRD – in the Southern accent it is not a long vowel but a combination of /i/ and schwa. BIRD is then pronounced as /bi.d/.

And, as Kelly said, it's non-rhotic, which means they don't pronounce /r/ after vowels.

But I'm also looking forward to Kelly's article with examples and recordings. Thanks Kelly.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Kelly vložený před 17 lety

Re: Example

Hi! Most of my friends are like me: they strive for a more standard American accent. However, I'm going to talk to some of my parents' friends and see if I can't record them. I can't promise anything, but I'll try.
A quick example of the Southern accent, which you probably already know, is that, in the South, the second person plural pronoun, which would normally be „you“ or „you guys“ is „ya'll“. You might see it spelled „y'all,“ but no one really knows how to spell it. I have a long, long reason I like „ya'll“ better. :) Some other time.

Re: Re: Example

That would be great. Thanks :-)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Marek Vít vložený před 17 lety

Re: Example

One example I can think of is.. and Kelly please correct me if I'm wrong, that in the Southern accent some dipthongs like /ai/ are pronounced as long vowels, for example /a:/. LIKE is not /laik/ but /la:k/. LIFE is not /laif/ but /la:f/.

Another example I can think of is the long vowel /3:/ which is pronounced for example in the word BIRD – in the Southern accent it is not a long vowel but a combination of /i/ and schwa. BIRD is then pronounced as /bi.d/.

And, as Kelly said, it's non-rhotic, which means they don't pronounce /r/ after vowels.

But I'm also looking forward to Kelly's article with examples and recordings. Thanks Kelly.

Re: Re: Example

Well, and the syllable-final /r/ usually turns the preceding vowel into a long vowel. It's interesting to listen to an accented New Yorker and an accented Georgian speak because it feels like the New Yorker adds an /r/ for every /r/ the Georgian drops. Of course, the lack of /r/s makes it difficult for someone not accustomed to the accent to tell the difference between words like „father“ and „farther“.
To take your examples a little further, Marek, because you were right about the vowel modification, „like“ and „lack“ and „life“ and „laugh“ sound the same, but that's more of the refined accent. I'm really hoping I can find a really, forgive me, please, trashy accent.

Můžete mi prosím vysvětlit nebo přeložit, co znamená zde to spojení se slovesem hapen? – your mother, who just happened to be the president of the Junior League

A pokud máte za prvé – first a za druhé secondly, jak bude za třetí atd.

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Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od onyd vložený před 17 lety

Můžete mi prosím vysvětlit nebo přeložit, co znamená zde to spojení se slovesem hapen? – your mother, who just happened to be the president of the Junior League

A pokud máte za prvé – first a za druhé secondly, jak bude za třetí atd.

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tvoje máma, která shodou okolností byla předsedkyní…,


Re: Re: Example

Přesně takhle mluví v seriálu True Blood, to je dokonalá přehlídka jižanského akcentu. Až z toho občas bolí uši :D


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