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pořídíl jsem si knížku se cvičeními zaměřenou na zkoušku FCE. Bohužel nevím, kdo by mi mohl zkontrolovat části „writing“. Mohli by jste se mi na to někdo mrknout, když tu čas od času něco hodím?

Hodím to do dalšího příspěvku.

Díky moc předem

Zadání bylo napsat dopis kamarádovi, který mě a mého bratra pozval do Anglie na 2 týdny. Měl jsem pozvání příjmout a napsat něco málo a mém btratrovi. Tady je můj výtvor:

Hi Joe,

I'm really glad that you have invited me and my brother to spend two weeks in your house in England.

I'm looking forward to seeing you after so much time we spent together online. Once I speak about it with my mother I will send you another email with the details regarding our arrival.

Since you don't know my brother so well I guess you would like to know at least a little information about him.

My brother's name is Andrew and he's 17. He's pret­ty much like you, which means sometimes annoying but most of the time easy-going. He's fun but really stubborn (don't tell him this, though). He's interested in computers and he loves playing soccer, just like you do. I think you will understand each other.

I'm sure we will enjoy the holiday.

Thank you for the inviting.

Take care,


Slovo soccer se ve Velké Británii nepoužívá. A místo understand bych dal get along well.

Díky moc

Ahoj potřebovala bych zkontrolovat jednu domácí práci…je to fakt důležitý mohl by jste mi to někdo zkouknout?Není to žádnej zázrak takže se moc nedivte… :oops: …ASle předem moc děkuju

Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson are speaking about their new case. It's about dog, which attacked its master, but before Holmes can give Watson more information a young man, Trevor Bennett, arrives. He is Professor Presbury's as­sistant and he's engaged to Professor Presbury's daughter Edith. He says Professor Presbury is started behaving in a strange way. First he engaged with younger woman and then he disappeared for two weeks. When he arrived he started behave very angery. Trevor descrabes to Sherlock everything what he knows about Professor strange behaviour. He speakes about letter, which he recevied from his friend about Professor's visit in Prague and about wooden box, which he found. Bennet speakes about another odd things, Professor's dog attack him twice, but when Trevor goes to the dog he's very friendly. Sherlock and Watson are very surprise, because it's unusual and Bennett continues. He describes his night two days ago, when he saw Professor Presbury in his house and Professor stood up and growled at him and then escaped. When Dr.Watson, Sherlock and Trevor speak about Professor Presbury, young woman Edith Presbury arrives. Edith speakes about her last night when she woke up and she saw her father face in window.
Sherlock and Watson are going to Comford to meet Professor Presbury. When they want to speak with Professor Presbury, he was very angry. Holmes and Watson go out of his house and they are speaking with Trevor Bennett. Bennett tells to Sherlock new things about package, which came from London, from man called Dorak. Watson and Holmes are going back to London to find out some things about man Dorak. They find out lot of odd things about Dorak and Sherlock has suspicion, Dorak is the problem why Professor Presbury has odd behaviour.
They are going to Comford again and they are waiting for the Tuesday night when they think, Professor Presbury is goes out. In Tuesday night Holmes and Sherlock are hiding in Professor Presbury's garden. They see Professor Presbury and he behave like an animal. He climbs like an animal and he attacks the dog, but the dog is very angry and attacks Professor and Sherlock helps to Professor. Sherlock and Watson find wooden box and in the wooden box is drug. Professor Presbury wants to stay young and he has the drug, but it have dangerous side effects as it is taken from a monkey. The drug gave him energy but it also made him act like monkey. That's why the dog attacked him. Sherlock and Dr. Watson solve the case and everything is OK.

Bude toho vice, to jsou jen opravy v rychlosti. Vetsinou cleny.

It's about a dog
First he had engaged with a younger woman and then he disappeared for two weeks.
very angry
about Professor's strange behaviour
they are talking with Trevor
When they want to speak with Professor Presbury, he is very angry
Edith speaks about
her father's face in window.
Professor's dog attacked
about a wooden box
Professor Presbury is going out
On Tuesday night
He speakes about a letter
things about a package
he is behaving like an animal.
find the wooden box
There is a drug in the box.
but it has dangerous
like a monkey

to Jirka.K – jakto, že se slovo soccer v UK nepoužívá? Teď jsem měli reálie UK a tam bylo jako oblíbené hobby právě soccer. Také jsem to našla ve slovníku, že je to britské slovo.
Takže teď jste mě teda zmátl :shock:

Díky moc já říkala že tam mám moc chyb:) :oops:

Kdyby jste tam někdo něco ještě našli tak napište díky moc.

  • He says Professor Presbury HAS started behaving in a strange way.
    • When he arrived he started TO BEHAVE/BEHAVING very ANGRILY.
    • Trevor DESCRIBES to Sherlock everything THAT he knows about Professor`S strange behaviour.
    • He speakes about A letter which he recevied from his friend, about Professor's visit in Prague and about A wooden box which he found. – mas zle aj ciarky
    • Bennet speakes about OTHER odd things, Professor's dog ATTACKED him twice…
    • Sherlock and Watson are very SURPRISED
    • He describes … and HOW Professor stood up, growled at him and then escaped.
    • …, A young woman NAMED Edith Presbury arrives.
    • …, he IS very angry.
    • Holmes and Watson LEAVE his house and
    • Bennett SAYS new things about A package TO SHERLOCK, which came from London from A man called Dorak.
    • They find out LOTS of..
    • Sherlock has A suspicion THAT Dorak is the problem why Professor Presbury has odd behaviour.
    • but the dog is very angry and attacks HIM BACK and Sherlock HAS TO HELP HIM.

    Navrhujem ti sem tam pouzit thesaurus – napriklad namiesto odd mozes pouzit strange a je to take pestrejsie. Samozrejme chyby, ktore nasla slecna Edita platia tiez. :-)


dalším úkolem bylo napsat příběh, který začíná větou:„Gillian was cold and hungry and completely lost“. Tady je moje „dílo“:

Gillian was cold and hungry and completely lost. She didn’t know where to go but she knew that she had to dissapear because the soldiers were after her. She were running for hours and her legs were getting heavier. Altough she knew that if she stoped they would kill her, she stopped. She just couldn’t go on anymore.

The soldiers were well-trained and accustumed to the conditions of the jungle. They didn’t know what fear or pain was. And they didn’t know what mercy was.

When they reached the location of the poor girl, their commander told them to stop and wait. She was lying on the ground, she was breathing heavily. He aimed his rifle to her head and then he pulled the trigger. The rifle didn’t fire, though.

Suddenly, Gillian stared to laugh. She had been laughing for the rest of her life, all nine seconds.

Ten nápad na konec jsem někde ukradl, asi jsem to někde četl. Na FCE bych to nenapsal, ale zajímalo by mě jestli je to dobře, hlavně ty časy.

Díky moc všem

ja myslel, že gillian je klukovské jméno, oops :-D :-D

Upřímně jsem si to taky myslel a začal jsem ten příběh i tak psát, ale v té učebnici co mám je vždy ten úkol vypracovaný a tam jsem potom zjistil, že jsem se teda šeredně mýlil.


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