Keď tu tak pekne píšete o podvodníkoch tak mi nedá nereagovať a
nepodeliť sa aj o moju skúsenosť.
Jedného dňa som dostal na tomto webe (helpforenglish.cz) súkromnú správu,
že či si nechcem dopisovať v angličtine. V správe bolo, že mám poslať
emailovú adresu a že ona/on sa mi ozve. Tak si hovorím prečo nie. Na tento
účel mam vytvorenú špeciálnu emailovú adresu a tam mi spam vôbec
Nasledujúci email bol od rose mary rosemary500@hotmail.fr
Znenie emailu si môžete prečítať nižšie. Je to jasný podvod. Podľa ip
adresy odosielateľa som zistil, že mail bol odoslaný z Ameriky zo
Keď už si s niekým začnete dopisovať odporúčam neuvádzať žiadne
osobné údaje sfalšovať niekoho identitu je dnes veľmi jednoduché.
Hello Dear
My Name is Miss Rosemary Buba from Republic of Congo in west Central
Africa,23 years old,5.3ft tall,fair in complexion,(never married before )and
presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result
of the civil war that was fought in
my country last 2years 2008.My late father Dr Samuel Buba was the managing
director of Bubacocoa and Associates (Ltd) and he was the personal adviser to
the former head of state in (Brazzaville capital of Congo) before the rebels
attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold
blood.It was only me and our house cleaner that is alive now and I managed to
make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am leaving now as a refugee
while our house cleaner died on train when coming to Senegal.I would like to
know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing
presently.I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here is
my picture' I will send another picture to you latter.And i will also like to
see your picture too.Hoping to hear from you soonest,
Yours Rosemary