Help for English

exan connection


yeah, just like you wrote, I've studied English for a long time, almost 7 or 8 years. Thanks to my system of studying I understand pretty much. You can try it, too. I watch film and movies in English a lot, but main progress of understanding is for me watching serials of Friends. Everytime I don't understand I write down the words or expressions and play it once again. But basic problem for me is speaking. If I have to make some sentence it is very difficult for me, becouse I have no practice. Noone in my sorrounding want to speak with me in English or cannot speak this language.
I find here great refferences to other web sites (English on the Internet), where you can for free download some text in mp3 format and also read it in English. There is also explanation of used expressions and words (maily phrasel verbs). I think this is a great way for studying for everybody who can develop his English. Go ahead!!

Hi Leona,Marcelka,I­vana…My name's Stána,I'm 39.I have two sons,16 and 15.I've been learning english for five years /but not very intensive/.It's my hobby.I work in the kindergarten as a teacher.I usually visit wonderful Help For English every day.Have nice day.Bye

Go ahead!
is the best expression for all, who want to be better in english.
I also watch movies in English,but not so often. It´s obvious it takes at least one and half hour free time.Neverthe­less,I like it.
But Czech TV broadcasts serial The friends in in Czech, I think? :? Do you record it from another TV channel in English?
And where are you – havliiva,marcel­ka,eL… You are preparing dinner :-D ?
What are your experiencies with learning English?

hi everybody! I love Friends, too. I got all episodes for Christmas from my friend but I watch it in Czech because I really miss Czech here in England.
I studied sociology and journalism in Brno and then I took one-year break because I need to improve English before my final exams at the college. Next year I need to go back to the Czech republic and finish my studies.
I think that my biggest problem in English is speaking and listening. When I came to England, I didn't understand anybody. I've learned English since the primary school but in the first month in England I felt like an idiot.
OK, that's all for today, have a nice evening

Hi everybody.I´m glad to see new penfriends. I´m not preparing dinner I was by my hairdresser. I had lovely time, I relaxed. I agree that listening is very useful and important. But my experinces are bad .It is hard work for me. I usually listen some minutes and I understand NOTHING! I´m better in reading,I under­stand, but I cann´t reproduce what about I have read. I think it is STATUS QUO for me. :-( However, I like English, it´s my hobby for a long time.Have a nice night, I have to look after my rabbit, it is running around our living room it likes wires,in the first place the wires of NET. Bye,bye. Markéta

Hello everybody. I am sorry, I am late. I was very busy. And the windstorm, it was terrible. I found out that I am dependent on elektricity more than I want. For example, I couldn´t make coffee – horrible. I was cold because heating didn´t work. Simply catastrophe. So for now bye, bye my ladies.

Hi pavlinkah,
I can´t imagine to go in England to work there as a au-pair and to have problem with speaking (which I have) and listening. You are very courageous :o .
But now, i think, your speaking must be better. :-D

Hi everybody, I was like an-aupair with a small English skill too, but I think your self-preservation teach you quickly – I was suprise how I understood. But it was 11 years ago!! Too much past, too much have disappeared from my head, today I hardly get together simple sentences – so, how „someone“ somewhen said „learn, learn, learn“ …In this days I would like to go abroad again (of course not like an aupair, there is some possibility in my job) – but I also want to establish a family (because I am 31 – and sometime I hear „tick-tick-tick“) What win? I think males have simpler to choose – even they can have both, work abroad and young fammily home too. But I don´t mind :-D :-D

Hilfe! How can I to delete my redundant „story“? I mean not just to delete text, but the note at all. Maybe question for administrator?

Finally the winter has come!! If you look at through the window you can see beautiful white nature. It's cool! It's still snowing, there are several centimetres on the ground and trees are covered by snow. But for drivers it is not good. I spent some time today in my car and try to get to another town. I was seeing a lot of cars in ditch and others park on the edge of road. There were also several accidents. I don't understand, why people drive their car with summer tyres. Well, we'll see tomorrow, because it should snow harder than today. OK, bye bye for now.

Hi everybody –girls and boys?? (in the explanatory dictionary man is „an adult male human“ and boy is „an immature or inexperienced man, especially a young man“ rather.. men! I greet Stana nad Alfa . Pavla,you have nice www !
I read sentences of Marketa with smile, .. „I understand NOTHING!“.. I understand nothing too, when I listening longer a text. I had my English lesson yesterday. We laughed with my teacher Eva. We guessed words by a description.. Very well the lesson. I found out diference between a homework and housework in English ! .. only now.
Now is 0,30, outside is a lot of snow and I don´t know, how I will be my way to the hospital in the morning. Today my husband was on the motorway D1 from 3.15 p.m. to 7 p.m..Bye , good night !

Hi again, I have question for all – What do you think about studying languages at present – Do you think that English is enough? I have started to learn German and French recently – because people around me did similar – and I wouldn’t like to miss the train. German, by contrast with French, is OK – French is nice to hear, but horrible to study (for me). Quite favourite is Spanish (for me Spanish is neither attractive nor reasonable) With German I have started because it is language of our neighbour and with French because I always liked it and second it is language of EU administration (and you never know where life could throw ones :)
By for this

I think that it is very important to know more than one language. I study English and French. I must agree with alfa that French is very nice but it is very hard for studying. I have been learning French for three years but I don´t like it because of horrible teacher at school:-( but why don´t study it in the future.. It could be fine..

btw. why don´t you write this question as a new topic of disscusion? ;) I think it would be better..

Actually, I can …look the tree of topics


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