Help for English

Nature and sport


It's a sport here in czech republic.. not a job :) Maybe at the pool :-) Well, like I said, I'm a memeber since Sept. so there wasn't really much :-)
Well, you need to be responsible, strong, and use a brain instead of heart (although it's more humanic than technical :) ). Well, you can try it for yourself, Water Rescue is almost in every bigger city and they're open for new members :)

No, I can bet, I wouldn't be the suitable one. I would certainly use my heart more than my brain :-D. And moreover I am too occupied to have time for another activity. I really admire that you decided to do such work.
When I studied at the language school, one of my schoolmate had been to America to work there as a lifeguard at the local swimming pool during the summer holidays. If I were younger I wouldn't miss any opportunity to travel abroad to get some language skills. I really have a terrible spoken performance :-(.

Well, that's definitely the way how to improve it! :)
Yeah, I was also thinking of being lifeguard for vacation in the USA… but not till 18 :-)

yeah, swimming is great…I know a lot of people who would like to be a lifeguard in the USA…a boyfriend of my cousin worked as a lifeguard last summer and he says that he just had to sit at the seaside for 8 hours and could't swim…he just had to pay was killing him :-)

Hey guys,I love tennis-I could have been a professional but I´m not much competitive,I just love to do that for fun.And I also love football(soccer),vo­lleyball,cyclin­g,skating..oh,and dancing..I so love to dance

To Leslie: Yes, tennis is the best sport. But it is very difficult to be a professional tennis player. And it is about money. It costs quiet much at the begining (equipment, payments of coach and tournaments, expenses for transport and accomodations…)For many people it seems like demanding sport and it takes quiet a long time and much patience to learn it, but it is worth to do it!

To Lukyna:tell me about took my parents way too much money,because my sister used to do that sport too,even much longer than i did,and she was really good.And yep,our coach was very expensive,´cos he was the best out there(at least here in Ostrava).Now,ne­ither she nor I aspire to play at Wimbledon anymore,but we still enjoy playing this sport:))

To Leslie: Just like me! I did this sport from my 7 to 20, but I didn´t play at Wimbedon :-(. I still ejnoy playing tennis now. I would like to go to Wimbledon to see some great matches at least, for example final match Federer – Nadal :-D. So I should start to save money now :?

is there anybody who like running in nature ? Slow jogging is amazing activity for „cleanse-brain“ from everyday stres and it´s a good form of relax . I can recommend it :-)

I like sport – jogginy, swiming, cycling,… I do it just for fun. I also like walking in nature, with ny hasbend we do a lot of trips around the czech republik. In the summer we take a tant and go camping – it's greate .

Hello.My name is Lukas and I like volleyball.I have been playing for twenty years.I have played in many places for example Ústí nad Labem,Žatec,Tá­bor,Bílina and this time I have been playing in Česká Lípa.I thing this is my last place because I am 35 old and I have start problem with my health.

I do geocaching too for 1,5 years. It is very interesting hobby. I have already found about 205 caches, it is not so much, but I live in a village and I have found all closes caches. Haw much caches have you found? I am glad here is somebody who is „geocacher“ too. :-D

Hello Jabbuk. We founded 392 caches and own 2 caches. Do you own some cache? I like geocaching. We found many interesting places and building because of it. Wery good are also „mystery cache“.

Hello Lukyna, I have owned 2 caches too. I LOVE geocaching, but in winter I can't ride my bike. That is the reason, why in winter I usually don't found many caches. I like mystery caches too, but now I can't solve one. That is so depressed :-D. Do you live in a city, or in a village? I live in a village, but I regularly go to Brno to visit my grandparents. In brno I have found mostly caches.

Hello Jabbuk! I live in a town. We have enough caches here with regard to size of our town. I know this feeling when you can´t solve a mystery cache, some are really difficult to solve. Have you found any caches abroad?


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