Help for English

Soutěž o encyklopedii Davida Crystala

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Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Pavla M. vložený před 14 lety

Just three

No word in the English language rhymes with"month".
(slunce – žblunce)
The longest one syllable word in he English language is „screeched“.
„Four“ is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number.

Re: Just three

I chose three of them just in case.

Cockney rhyming slang

Cockney rhyming slang is used mainly in Australia, but also in the London suburbs and all across South East England. It's derived from taking an expression which rhymes with a word and then using that expression instead of the word. For example the word „telephone“ rhymes with „dog and bone“. However, in many cases the rhyming word is not said, so you won't hear: Pass me dog and bone. You will me Pass me dog. And the speaker means Pass me phone.

Another examples:
I don't bloody Adam and Eve it! = I can't believe it!
They have a nice Mickey Mouse. = They have a nice house.

Source: cockneyrhymin­

One of the most ifluential and first English language dictionaries (British English) is A Dictionary of the English Language written by Samuel Johnson in the 18th century. It took him 9 years to complete it and it established s standard form of spelling which is used till nowadays. (wikipedia)

Really weird english words?

I guess everyone has ever found a strange word in his/her favourite book, magazine or on web pages. If not, I'm sure you would have done the same as me – I tried to look up these word in my dictionary. And which words were the most interesting? I chose mainly words which start on x, y, z

XERIC = at first glance, it reminds me of XEROX, a method of dry copying (it's no wonder, we're in the Czech republic :) and this term surprisingly means ‚really dry‘

YULETIDE = Christmas, this word doesn't mean only the Christmas day but the whole festive period before the New Year's Day;
Good Yule = Merry Christmas in modern Scandinavian

And did u know what could be the last word in english dictionaries?
ZZZ = ‚a representation of the sound made by somebody sleeping or snoring, often used in cartoons‘
If you don't believe me, find out in The Bloomsbury English Dictionary :)

Do you know that the longest word that you can typed with only right hand is „Lollipop“?

China has more English speakers than the United States.

Crazy Language

English is the most widely used language in the history of our planet. One in every seven human beings around the globe can speak English. And more than half of the world's books and three-quarters of international mail are written in this crazy tongue.
Of all languages, English has the largest vocabulary – perhaps as many as two million words – and of course it has one of the noblest bodies of literature.
However, let's face it! English is a crazy language!
For example, there is no egg in eggplant, – and will you find neither pine nor apple in a pineapple.
Hamburgers are not made from ham, English muffins were not invented in England, and French Fries were not invented in France.
Sweetmeats are confectionery, while sweetbreads which are not sweet, are meat.

I can continue, but I think you will definitely be tired, so I stop:-)

Re: q

This post is almost same like one of post before!

Balloonneer is the only English word whit four double letters in one row.

Torpenhow Hill near Plymouth, England is actually „Hillhillhill Hill.“ – from Saxon tor, Celtic pen, Scandinavian how, Middle English hill.


lexical difference

lexical difference between American and British english.British expresion is in bracket.
to act – (to behave)
to reckon – (to think)
candy – (sweets)
elevator – (lift)
truck – (lorry)
store – (shop)
guy – (fellow)

5 vowels in a row

Do you know which English word has got 5 vowels in a row?



Attention, please!
Do you know, what it means : 26L in the A or 100P in a P ? If you do not. Listen up!

26L in the A= 26letters in the alphabet
24H in a D= 24 hours in a day
100P in a P =100pence in a pound
4S in a Y = 4 seasons in a year
The 5 S= The 5 senses
10D S =10 Downing street
12 S of the Z =12sings of the Zodiac

Source: My notes from holiday school standing in England.

alterating consonants and vowels

Honorificabili­tudinitatibus, is the longest English word consisting strictly of alterating consonants and vowels. This word is 27 letters long. The second word in this way is epicoracohumeraler and is eighteen letters long.­ds/oddities.shtml


It looks nice but it isn't true. The longest word with all letters in alfabetical order is „Aegilops“; „almost“ is only commonly-used words in this way.­s/844475-identifying-the-longest-english-word-spelled-in-alphabetical-order


Dollar is the name for the currency in many modern countries, American dollar is then the most used currency in the world. But did you know it?s name has kinda Czech origin? It derives from taler / thaler (tolar), a German name for a silver coin that was minted in Joachimsthal (Jáchymov) in Bohemia.
This word eventually found its way into Danish and Norwegian as (rigs)daler, Swedish as (riks)daler, Dutch as (rijks)daalder, Ethiopian as ታላሪ talari, Italian as tallero, Flemish as daelder, and into English as dollar.
By the way, the modern German spelling has changed the word Thal (walley) to Tal, which also explains the spelling of the English word Neandertal.


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