Help for English

Soutěž o encyklopedii Davida Crystala

Komentáře k článku: Soutěž o encyklopedii Davida Crystala


Find the interesting word(s)

There is a quite common English word. It has nine letters, but if you remove a letter from it, the remaining letters are still considered an English word and do make sense. Can you find out the word and all of „his siblings“ which can be created by removing a letter from the original nine letters long word? You can find the answer at the bottom of this comment.
The basic word is startling and the next goes starting, staring,strin­g,sting,sing, sin,in,I.


English has been written in the Latin alphabet since around 9th century. Before that English used Anglo-Saxon runes.

phobia of long words

Did you know that phobia of long words is paradoxically called hippopotomonstro­sequippeddali­ophobia???

YOU DIDN´T? so search for more interesting long words at:…-in-english/

Re: dollar

Source [odkaz]­­llar[/odkaz]

Re: Find the interesting word(s)

charming :-)

In english don´t exist the words, which can rhyme with the words: month, orange, silver and purple.

The longest word in Oxford dictionary is pneumonoultra­microscopicsi­licovolcanoco­niosis.



Have you already mastered several different varieties of English? Do you understand Australian, Canadian or even Scottish English? Try this:

„Im jook mi inna mi yeye.“

Well, it means „He poked me in the eye.“ It is quite a unique version of English, called Patois or Patwa spoken by Jamaicans. It blends African languages with English and that's why it's so hard to underestand.



The first Oxford English Dictionary was completed in 1928, work started in 1879, appointed was a Scots man Murray – hundreds of people sent him sentences with examples of how words were used. The plan was to finish the dictionary in 10 years. After 5 years just first part from A to ANT was finished. It took another 44 years. Murray died in 1915, while he was working on the letter U. The first EOD finished in 1928, explained the meaning and history of 414 800 words and expressions.

Source:The history of the English language by Brigit Viney

Some records

The most meanings in the English vocabulary has the word ?SET?. It is about 220 meanings for the solitary word, and approximately 1.000 meanings for the phrases.

The word ?ALMOST? is the longest word in English, with letters ordered in alphabetical succession.

The word ?RHYTHM? is the longest word in English without vowels.

These interests I found on Facebook – primary source I dont know… sorry

Do you know that the most used letter in the English alphabet is ?E?, and ?Q? is the least used?
[source –]

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od JustMajka vložený před 14 lety

Do you know that the most used letter in the English alphabet is ?E?, and ?Q? is the least used?
[source –]


And ,of course, source is


I am interesting in how words came into existance, e.g. the most used abbreviation OK (at first it has military meaning, when the troops returning from the battle, they report ?0 K? = zero killed and that indicate – all is alright.
So if you are alive it is OK!:-D

(source: At one time my friend Tom told me and I believe him. ;).)

Three times a row

Are there any words in which the same letter appears three times in a row?

Typically, English requires a hyphen to prevent that from happening, as in bee-eater or cross-section. But the Oxford English Dictionary does contain a few examples without hyphens, including frillless (without frills) and duchessship (the office of being a duchess). And, no, „brrr“ is not a real word.

(Source: Washington Post)

Three times a row

Do you know any English words with three same letters in a row??

Few of them actually exists: frilless (without frills) and duchessship (the office of a ducehss).

I have never heard them before and I guess I will never hear them again.

(Source: Washington Post)

(Poznámka: Kompletní pravidla soutěže jsem si samozřejmě přečetl až když jsem vložil svůj předchozí, zkopírovaný komentář :) )

the longest place-name

The longest name of a place (still being used) is the following name of one hill in New Zealand:
„Taumatawhaka­tangihangakoau­auotamateaturi­pukakapikimau­ngahoronukupo­kaiwenuakit natahu“



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