Help for English

speaking with beginner


Hello, my name is Petra. I studied English 9 years, but I didn´t use it about 4 years. I don´t remember a lot of things. I would like to speak with us :-)My wordage is very bad. I think that I´m begginer now :-/

hi all…

Hello PetLahev!
Why yours name PetLahev? :-D

Hi Mela
Because, My first name is Premek, but in english course – I am Pat (read Pet), so one time we have done some exercise about person and I had to think my surname up for this exercise. I have decided on „Lahev“ – because in Czech language is fun.
And later when I login (I don't know – past simple :-( )on some web pages and nick „Premek“ or „Premda“ etc. was engaged I have choosed this nick. :-)
That is all

Hi PetLahev- Pat!
Thank you for answer.

hi all do you want to write with me ??

Hello everybody, my name is Kate. I learn English 4 years. I live in Prague. Do you anybody for speaking with me? :-D

Hello everybody, my name is Kate. I learn English 4 years. I live in Prague. Do you anybody for speaking with me? :-D

Hi, I just found this great website and made my registration.I can't believe that is for free, so nice and so interesting. Well done!

Hello Kate…I'm gonna speak to you…but you aren't biginner anymore.Are you??? :-) I live in Prague as well and need to improve my english really fast… :? Do not hesitate and send whatever and I'll tray to respond. Have a nice day…

is there any possibility to chat in English with native speaker? I mean on-line chat, or live chat. If somebody know any website, please answer me. Thanks…

Welcome!How are you(all)

Yes,I am

Hello.There is somebody who talks with me?

Hello everybody, how are you? :-)


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