Another thread to talking!!! …
I like Apple products and i like their Operating systems… on Macbooks and Macs
Another thread to talking!!! …
I like Apple products and i like their Operating systems… on Macbooks and Macs
Apple products – I'm pretty satisfied with my Ipod touch Those features and options how to use it… incredible ;)
I don't know if somebody will type here about my favourite operating system… It is Linux. I use Linux for six years as my primary and single operating system. And I'm sutisfied with its. Now I have instaled Ubuntu 8.10, but before I used Slackware Linux and SuSE
yeah, Suse looks great, but I don't see any advantage in using Linux… Maybe Dual-booting, but Linux itself has nothing to offer for common user… For developers yes…
I don't know – this is question… I'm developer, so for me is Linux very useful operating system. If anything doesn't work, I can find where the problem is and correct it. Linux has a lot of tools that can I use. That's right that for common users Linux can seen more difficult, but for example my girlfriend who isn't „computer friendly“ uses Linux for three years, because I told her, that it's free and safe. She get used to it and now she don't need other OS
I never tried Mac OS, but it can be good too.
I like my Vista 64
Mac OS os mix of UNIX and proprietary core. That means it has lot in common with LINUX. Bigest difference is in GUI you use. And installed and supported software of course . I have Win XP on my laptopright now, but not long ago I used dual boot Win XP+Debian. LINUX is definitely very powerful when you know how to use it properly. But it's not for everybody.
I've been using Windows 7 for 3 months and I love it. I think W7 is the
best Windows so far. Vista was crap, I saw it on my grandpa's notebook and it
was sooooo slow. I installed W7 onto my grandma's PC (quite old and slow) last
week and guess what? It was even faster then Win XP!
I have to admit that I always liked Apple stuff (I own iPOD NANO, my mum has
the Touch) but MAC OS would be unusable for me due to amount of „PC only“
apps I have in my PC. Just my $0.02
I totally agree, there have been lots of improvements in Windows 7 since the previous Windows Vista.
However, the only disadvantage is that only 64 bit versions are capable of using 4 GB memory and more.
You know, I'm using 32 bit version of Windows and I can use only 3.2 GB of memory.
I'm all about my 7 for like an hour
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