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Ahoj, mám za úkol napsat covering letter a pak ho odevzdat jako esej. Prosím, zkontrolovali byste mi ho a případně opravili? Údajů si nevšímejte, je to celé vymyšlené.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for the job in The Evolution M magazine which was advertised in The Bay Mirror journal. I would be interested in making advertisements or covers of magazines. I enclose my CV.
I am 28 years old, I am married and I have one 4-years-old daughter. I would like to work for you because I like desinging anything and I am very interested in making advertisements. I also would like to get new experience and knowledge about classic and modern art.
I am a commited, hard-working, high-motivated, ethusiastic and patient person. I have nothing against working in a team or dealing with the public. I think I get on well with people from other cultures or minorities because last year I taugh immigrant people English during Art lessons which I led.
I do not have much of expierence in this work because I have just passed my last exam at The University of Modern Art in Salt Lake City, Utah. But during my studying I worked for six months as an editor's assistant in Hot Smile magazine. When I attended the high school I wrote some articles to school newspapers about sport. If nessesary I can supply some references from my teachers and from the Hot Smile magazine manager.
I would be very grateful for the opportunity to discuss my application with you in person. I am available to start work immediately.

I look-forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

desinging → designing
ethusiastic → enthusiastic
taugh → taught
expierence → experience
nessesary → necessary
look-forward → look forward

4-years-old daughter – 4-year-old daughter
classic and modern art – classical and modern art

díky moc, jsem za to opravdu moc vděčná :-)

experience and knowledge about – experience and knowledge IN

I dont have much of experience – I dont have much experience

But during my studying I worked for six months as an editor's assistant–But during my studies I was working as an editor's assistant in Hot Smile magazine for 6 mmonths.

When I attended the high school I wrote some articles to school newspapers about sport. – When I was attending …


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