Help for English

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My profession
I still do not exactly know whom I want to be in the distant future. So far, I have some clues about the things which are ahead of me.
First of all, I would like to successfully finish my studies at university and obtain a bachelor’s degree in IT. This is the most important thing for me to do. Secondly, I would like to put my knowledge into practice and get the whole picture about what is going on in real enviroment. When I was a little boy my thoughts regarding the future were far more different. As any other child at this age I had many wild fantasies, most of them came from movies, TV and from what I had heard. So I wanted to become a police officer, a fireman, a doctor, a rock star, a soldier, an astronaut and last but not least I very much wanted to become a movie star. Quite often I and my friends played various games in which one group represented bad guys and the other the opposite. I bought a lot of books about military and such. To put it another way, I was completely crazy about everything which had anything to do with military technology. I admired soldiers for their bravery, strength and will to sacrifice. They were an example of role model as well as firefighters. I recall one particular incident when we were playing with a hose (a very long tube for carrying water to a fire) during the firefighter exercises. Now I realize that it was dangerous and an irresponsible thing to do, but that time we actually enjoyed ourselves. My visions of the future seemed to change year by year.
To sum up my ideas I can say that my thinking in the past was not much different from any other person at this stage of life. In fact, I am sure that these stories may be similar to almost everyone. Considering my future steps, I would like to pursue a career as IT expert in decision support systems. We live in the world where cutting edge technology and development go hand in hand. The world where everyone is expected to keep up with fast paced enviroment. Consumers are getting more sophisticated and more demanding, which poses a serious challenge to countless businesses. No matter what happens, one thing is for sure. Demand for specialized professions will be rapidly increasing. All the more reason why to become IT professional.

I still do not know WHAT I want to be… Nevím, čím chci být (profese). Whom je příliš formální. I do not know WHO I want to be… by znamenalo KÝM chci být, což asi psát nechcete. Mrknul jsem jen na první odstavec. Ostatní mohou pokračovat :-)

..... my THOUGHTS – to se mi hodně nezdá
…I VERY MUCH WANTED – se mi zdá špatně – spíš I wanted (very much) to become …
All the more reason – to nechápu
Jen jsem všechno proletěla, takže…


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