Help for English

What's your fav music?


I love SKA!

Queen forever…Adventure seeker on an empty street,
Just an alley creeper, light on his feet
A young fighter screaming, with no time for doubt
With the pain and anger can't see a way out,
It ain't much I'm asking, I heard him say,
Gotta find me a future, move out of my way,
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now.
Dunno what exactly they meant but by all means this song kicks ass.That's art…

:-) Timbaland

I like pop and Dance music. My favourite singers are Miro Jaros and stammering English singer Gareth Gates who won Pop Idol Competition. My favourite band is Slovak band No name.

I like Britney Spears,Jennifer Lopez,Hilary Duff,Tokio Hotel,Avril Lavigne

Karel Gott není špatnej.…

I dont understand why do you think that every commercial music is something bad. Probably you suffer from envy that someone achieved success and earned big money. I know many commercial bands which make very good music and their popularity is only result their progress and success. I listen to Green day, Sum 41, Yellowcard, Simple plan, No use for a name, Blink 182, Donots, Plus 44, Fenix TX, My chemical romance etc. and most of these bands are commercial and still great.

Am I the only person here who loves Björk? Or Radiohead? They're both kind of different than the rest of the mainstream music but that's probably why I wholeheartedly admire them. Björk's english accent is really cute, too. :-D

My favourite music style is methal and gothis rock. I listen to bands like Nightwish (with Tarja Turunen), Within Temtation, Xandria, Edguy, Axxis, etc.

Sometimes I don't understand people who hate commercial music. Even commercial music can be valueable and the fact that millions of people like it means something.

The fact millions of people like something definitely needen't mean it is good. It also can mean it is „a band“ which was only served to mainstream. Its songs are good such a fortnight until a new song is served to its again.

IMO mainstream is only a flock of silly sheeps which listen to anything system serves its…

But I don't think the bands like Offspring, Green day and so on – they are musicians but I think „the artists“ like Britney Spears, Leos Mares…

Hi everyone,

I like many styles of music, from jazz to pop. Doesn't matter what people thing about your favourite style. Be yourself and and enjoy your music as much as you can.

Personally, I do like Ray Charles, Especially ‚Hit the Road, Jack‘ I just can't get out of my mind. It's so catchy…

Hi, my favorite style is hip hop.. I would have tried to do at least one of many things belonging to hip hop culture.. At first, I tried to rap and then rode on skate.. Today, I do breakdance and running.. My favorite hip hop songs are from Czech and Slovakian.. I love H16, Moja Rec, Momo etc.

I think, Pilda told a piece of true about music to us. For example: Since Rytmus have been comercially, he has singed only about himself.. Before he Was celebrated, he had singed about problems.. I can´t Understand to it.. But I don´t know if will be better then he if I was celebrated..

2Kindy: Moja Rec had a performance in Breclav yesterday. I took part, it was somewhat boring though :? The vibes were no big deal…

Gotta agree with ps1, gothic rock is the best. Within Temptation, Evanescence, Epica, Nightwish (but only before Tarja left, I hate that emo bitch that´s with them now oops sorry, have to watch my language)


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