Ja souhlasim s tim co rika Oxford. U “speak” to takto s present perfect
progressive rict nejde. Se slovesem “learn” je to ale OK.
Na druhou stranu, musim dodat, ze v COCA jsem nasel nasleduiici vety (je jich
tam vice, uvadim jenom nektere):
- Are they not aware that there are numerous communities (i.e., St.
Augustine, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Los Angeles, etc.) within the
U.S. which have been speaking Spanish longer than
the U.S.
- You know, Watson is not saying, hey, Ken has been speaking
English like a native for 30-odd years and I'm only four
years old.
Takze asi to za urcitych okolnosti (neni mi jasne za jakych) jde.