Help for English

my future career


Dobrý den potřeboval bych zkontrolovat gramatiku a jestli je to dobré. Now, I go to the primary school Bílá. After Primary school iI want to study at gym Kepler. At GYm I want to do a high school diplom. From Gym I will go to the university , maybe. But I don't know which it will be. When I finish studying I want find work and live alone . I like very much cars. I want to be financial advisor or have car servis. I want to repair cars. Next, I want have a house with big garden,car , wife, 2 or 3 children 2 boys and girl. I will live in Prague. Because in Prague is my family. There is my uncle and second uncle. I don't know specific dream abot future. For example I don't want to be adoctor,because iI don't like a blood or teacher because they have stress. When I was small I wanted to be a piliceman or fireman. Policemn because they have a gun. People make all kinds of work,but I don't know what i will do. But iI hope,that I will be happy.

Snad v každé větě by se něco našlo… Den má bohužel jen 24 hodin.

Now, I go to attend the Bílá primary school. After Primary school i Then I want to study at attend gym the Kepler grammar school. At GYm I want to do a high school diplom. I want to graduate there. From Gym Thenwill may go to the a university, maybe. But I don't know which it will be one yet. When I finish studying I want to find work a job and live alone on my own. I like cars very much cars. I want to be a financial advisor or have a car servis repair shop. I want to repair cars. Next Further, I want to have a house with a big garden, a car, a wife, and 2 or 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. I will live in Prague. Because in Prague is my family my family lives there. There is my uncle and second uncle. My two uncles live there. I don't know have a specific dream about future. For example I don't want to be a doctor, because iI don't like a blood, or a teacher because they have stress have to cope with stress. When I was small, I wanted to be a policeman or a fireman. A policeman because they have a gun. People make do all kinds of work, but I don't know what I will do. But I hope that I will be happy.


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