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Vety o výletoch


Ahojte, prosím vás mohli by ste mi napísať niekto 10–15 viet za pomoci obrázku (link). Jedná sa o tom, že si mám vybrať 1 výlet kam by som rád šiel, a druhý kam by som nerád šiel a odôvodniť prečo nie (napr. že cena, ubytovanie, activity,počasie – to je v zadaní), ale taký “chytáčik” je v tom, že to majú byť také zložitejšie vety. Viem, že čo žiadam je si priveľa ale potreboval by som to do zajtra a fakt nemám tušenie ako to spraviť. (Vybrať môže hociktorá dva výlety) Za pomoc by som vám bol veľmi vďačný. Alebo aspoň nejaké všeobecné vety.…


Tady ukoly za druhe nedelame.

Navrhuji, aby si ulohu poctive napsal a pak muzes vysledky sve snahy vlozit sem k posouzeni/o­praveni.

Ja viem. Ďakujem. To nestíham spraviť, bo sa musím učiť niečo iné. Budem to zajtra robiť ale nestihnem to už dať skontrolovať.

Ďakujem, za ochotu.

Ahojte, …pani učiteľka nám to preložila …takže som to stihol spraviť a poprosil by som vás aby ste mi to skontrolovali.

I would like to go to Wildlife safari, because I think this trip will be amazing, educational and exciting for me. I can see a lot of wild animals, what is on the other side a little dangerous, but it is fantastic. I prefer trips, which are a little dangerous. The weather is too hot, but I don´t matter it. Accomodation in four-stars hotels, food and flight are included in price and it is quite accept prize, just 2 250€. You can try river canoeing as extra option.

*I think, I wouldn´t like to go to Patagonia adventure, because it is in Argentina and Chile. The weather is too colder here and I prefer hot places. I think, that trip would be boring for me, because I don´t like adventure. Accomodation in tents and transport by car is uncomfortable for me. By the way I don´t like sports especially winter sports which are extra options. Food and flight are included in price, but is very expensive for me. *

Ďakujem veľmi pekne.

Trošku som tam ešte niečo zmenil, mohli by ste mi to prosím Vás pozrieť a opraviť chyby. Ďakujem.

I want to go to Wildlife safari, because I think this trip will be amazing, educational and exciting for me. I can see a lot of wild animals, what is on the other side a bit dangerous, but it is fantastic. I prefer trips, which are a little dangerous and which are not full of tourist. The weather is too hot, but I don´t matter it. Accomodation in four-stars hotels, food and flight are included in price and it is quite accept prize, just 2 250€. You can try river canoeing as extra option.

I think, I wouldn´t like to go to Patagonia adventure, because it is in Argentina and Chile. The weather is too colder here and I prefer hot places. I think, that trip would be boring for me, because I don´t like a lot of adventure. Accomodation in tents and transport by car is uncomfortable for me. By the way I don´t like sports especially winter sports which are extra options. Food and flight are included in price, but is very expensive for me.


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