Help for English

Going to take the CAE exam in the near future?


Is there anyone who is planning to go for CAE exam in the near future? I have gained FCE and I am sure it will be a long-time run for me to reach up to C1 level, nevertheless I´m not going to give up ..I am seeking a mate who is in the same situation…we can help one another :)

It always seems impossible until it´s done :)

Yeah, I've decided to go for it and have it done by the end of the next year. Which is probably not a near future… :-) The reasons of my restraint: 1) low self-confidence, 2) high self-requirements, 3) 3 kids, 2 of whom are still quite small. :-) But I'm open to help you though. I can always learn something new. :-)

To lucythemom: I aim at the same target – to take the CAE exam at the end of 2013, but I am not sure if my english is as excellent as I could take it…for I haven´t striven so much recently..
Another, I have quite problems with speaking within an important discussion – nervousness beats me all the time :(
BTW, excellent english (I mean yours:) ) – you should pluck up the courage and you´ll get it done for sure :)

Thank you, missulik. Now I'm blushing… :-) I'm not good at listening and writing, though, which is pretty bad because when I have no feedback, I tend to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Don´t worry about your writing and listening…we can continuously improve the aspects that we are not excellent in :) we can be always better.. I´m going to attend a preparatory course for CAE exam, for I am too lazy to prepare myself at home :) And I have the same problem – I am not good at listening…my strongest point is grammar, methinks.. at least according to FCE result :-)

Hello, Michaela.

You seem to be a tailor-made partner to me, as I am planning to take CAE exams in the forseeable future (to be specific, at the end of this year → June or whatever).

What I am quite good at is grammar to which I devoted loads of time and recently I have had not any major problems in grammar in particular, so I focus on other aspects of English.

I am miserable at speaking, having nearly no opportunities to speak, therefore I am seeking any suitable person out who would meet the needs of an advanced learner and should also have the same interest to be successful in CAE exams.:)

Lacking self-confidence and thorough preparation for CAE exams, I am also glad that I still have some time until the beginning of the exams.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a casual talk via Skype. We both can certainly make some progress! :)

Come on people, as far as I can see your English is perfect. You should probably aim at the CPE and skip the CAE as it would be no challenge for you. I am taking the CAE in December and my English is not as good as yours. Yet, I believe I will pass because failing is not an option. :)

Jakub, good luck then! I couldn't help myself looking at your profile and I noticed you've already passed FCE and successfully! :)

I am pretty sure you are going to pass it without great problems, but still, thorough and careful preparation is always welcome! :)


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