Help for English



About a month ago there was an article about a project called Postcrossing on this website. I myself signed in and so far I have sent and received 7 postcards to/from different countries. Just today I found in my mailbox a card from a girl from Sao Paulo (Brazil). Amazing :-)

Why don't you too share your experience in this project.
You can also answer these questions:

1) What was the most distant place a card was delivered from?

2) What card do you appreciate the most? And why?

3) What was the funniest/stran­gest/warmest/most interesting quotation written on a card?

4) How many postcards have you sent / received?

5) Which of the countries you have received the card from would you like to visit?


I´ve just started so I´m looking forward to the first card:-)

Eh, that's a nice coincidence because I was just going to start the same topic :). So far I've sent 3 cards (eastern Russia, Malaysia, Brazil) and I've received only 1 card from Germany. But this card was very interesting because it was from Frisian Islands which is supoosed to be a group of islands somewhere close to Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. I had to google it because I'd never heard about it before :).

I hope things get moving quickly now :).

Happy postcrossing!! :)

So it seems that the initial excitement for postcrossing has somewhat faded away.. :shock:

That figures. It is pretty usual the initial excitement finally wears off. I admit there can be kinda charm, be excited what comes next, from what corner of the world.
All round, I didn't even give it a shot, because I found it sorta expensive. I think there are plenty of opportunities to improve your English for free.
However, I get the point of why one can enjoy. :-)

Do you know if there could be a problem if you buy a card in one country but then put a stamp on it and send it from a different country? I bought three cards in CR and then went to the UK where I bought three stamps for them and sent them from there. I'm a bit worried now because I sent them looooong time ago and still nobody has registred it.. :shock:

That shouldn't be a problem… what matters is the ID code.

Hi, I registered about 2 months ago and so my daughter (she is 10 and write cards herself). We have about 20 cards received each. And we love them all. Today I received one from 7-year-old boy from USA – he wrote me about his cat named Jeep. The reason he named him that is that he purrs so loud :-D :-D :-D

Hi,I registered in postcrossing 1 year ago. I read the arcticle about this project on this website too. I have more than 80 cards in my collection today. More of them are from Finland and even I found a penfriend. 8-) But I have a problem with China. :-( It´s so big country. I lost 5 cards there.


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