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Tu je ten článok ktorý sme mali dať to trpného

“We can bring more out alive“ Thousands have died in the earthquake in Iran, but as a British rescue team goes in, there is optimism that they can save lives. Many countries such as the UK, Germany, China, Russia and Japan have sent rescue teams to the city and they still hope they will survivors. As they arrived, queues of injured people surrounded the medical and rescue workers. Difficult travelling conditions had hampered their journey to the disaster zone. “We are still optimistic that we can bring more out alive,” said Graham Payne, the director of the 60-strong British team. “If anyone is trapped, there is a good chance we will find them.” On the first day, the team used snake-eye cameras, hi-tech listening devices and carbon dioxide detectors to locate survivors.

Tu som ho ja “prerobil” to trpného:

*“More can be brought out alive”

Thousands have died in the earthquake in Iran, but as a British rescue team goes in, there is optimism that lives can be saved.

Many countries such as the UK, Germany, China, Russia and Japan have sent rescue teams to the city and they still hope the survivors will be found. As they arrived, the medical and rescue workers was surrounded queues of injured people. Their journey to the disaster zone had been hampered difficult travelling conditions. “We are still optimistic that more can be brought out alive,” said Graham Payne, the director of the 60-strong British team. “There is a good chance will be found, if anyone is trapped.” Snake-eye cameras, hi-tech listening devices and carbon dioxide detector was used to locate survivors, on the first day.*


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