Help for English

Take the road


Prosím pomohl by mi někdo přeložit některé vazby z tohoto ? :))) nějak se v tom ztracím :D Take the Road No matter how far.

Where it leads No-one ever knows Don't look back Follow where it goes. Far beyond the Sun Take the Road Wherever it runs.

The Road goes on Ever ever on Hill by hill Mile by mile Field by field Stile by stile. The Road goes on Ever ever on

The Road goes on Ever ever on Hill by hill Mile by mile Field by field Stile by stile. The Road goes on Ever ever on

[RANGERS] Mountain and valley And pasture and meadow Stretching unending For mile after mile. Fenland and moorland And shoreline and canyon Bordered by hurdle And hedgerow and stile

[PIPPIN] One more mile Then it's time to eat Pick some pears, Succulent and sweet.

[PIPPIN/MERRY] To the farthest shore. Take the Road A hundred miles more.

[MERRY] Sweet pink trout Tickled form a stream Milk a goat, Churn it into cream.

[MERRY/PIPPIN] Far beyond the Sun Take the Road Wherever it runs.

Některé výrazy z tohoto – to myslíte konkrétně co – vše, co jste napsala? “Take the road no matter how far” znamená “Vydej se na cestu, ať je dlouhá, jak chce.”

Děkuju :) přesně to a ještě :D The road goes on Ever ever on Hill by hill, nevím jak to pochopit :) jinak moc díky

cesta jde pořád dál a dál, kopec za kopcem, míli za mílí, pole za polem, přelezka za přelezkou (je vůbec český výraz pro stile?:-)) cesta jde pořád dál a dál…


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