Help for English

jednoduchá diskuse/popis


Ahoj, pokusil jsem se napsat jednoduchý rozhovor a zajímalo by mě v čem dělám chyby. Třeba u toho popisu si nejsem úplně jistej jak je to s čárkama jestli tam mají být nebo ne. nebo jestli mohu třeba napsat “you past …”

a taky pokud napíšu Thermal hotel a dále ve větě na něj chci odkázat, stačí použít its nebo the one? , past Thermal Hotel, The post office is situated twenty metrs from Thermal/its/the one

díky za pomoc.

  • A: Where am I looking for a post, please?
  • B: You can look for it on the street Zahradni.
  • A: How can I get to?
  • B: It's quite far about one kilometr but the way is easy. So listen to me. Go along the river, keep on the left-hand side, past small bridge, Mill Kolonade with thermal springs and tall columns, still go ahead. You'll get to a park, go through, past Thermal Hotel, The post office is situated twenty metrs from Thermal on the left-side a few metrs behind stairs.
  • A: Thanks you.
  • B: You're welcome. (I'm going)
  • A: Wait! Wait!
  • B: What's happening?
  • A: I fell in love with you. You're so awesome :XX.
  • B: And handsome I know, I know
  • A: I'm a tourist. Don't you want to meet me after work and show me the city.
  • B: Becouse I've weakness for naked Japanese girls I'll be your guide really like tonight.
  • A: That's my phone number.
  • B: Okay I'll phone you. See you tonight.
  • A: I love you, bye.

A: Where am I looking for a post is the nearest post office, please?
B: You can look for it It's on the street Zahradni.

A: How can I get to there?

A: Thanks you.
B: What is it happening?

A: I'm a tourist. Don't you want Would you like to meet me after work and show me the city.

A: That Here's my phone number.

Zbytek (oznaceno “…” ) necham pripadnym jinym zajemcum o korekturu.

nebo jestli mohu třeba napsat “you past …”

Nemuzes, protoze “past” neni sloveso.

díky :-))


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