Help for English

I am a beginner


do not know much English. I'd like to try to chat with someone in English. :-(

There are loads of guys who are into chatting with someone. Section Diskuze v angličtině-thread: Penfriend.
I am one of them. Nonetheless, no one has ever mailed me. Too bad for you.
Stop regretting, get real, at least try looking for it

i would like to meet someone to have a chat in english with in towns: č.budějovice, krumlov, tábor or maybe in jihlava, benešov or praha.

hi people, is here anyboby who wants speak with me in english?

Hi :-)

hi, yes I would like speak english.

hi, i would like speak english too.

oh shit, all of users are offline…see you

hi, is anybody here who wants to speak with me? i would like to improve my english skills :)

ahojky,hledam kamarada na psani v anglictine.rada bych nasla nekoho,kdo umi lip anglicky nez ja…takze moc narocna nejsem :-D


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