Help for English

Kontrola viet (not...until)


Našiel by sa niekto, kto by mi skontroloval zopár viet?Sú to prikladové vety z článku not…until a rád by som vedel či sú v takejto forme správne:

  • It wasn't until afternoon that she finished the report.
  • It isn't usually until eight that I come home.
  • It won't be until next Monday that our boss is coming.
  • It won't be until five that I (will?) see him.
  • It wasn't until two that I fell asleep.
  • It wasn't until too late that I noticed my mistake.
  • She wasn't until 35 that she saw her brother again.
  • You won't be until 18 that you (will?) see the money.

A neviem či by mala byť vedlajšia veta v prítomnom čase alebo v budúcom will?

Upravil by som tieto vety:
– It won't be until five that I will see him.
It wasn't until she was 35 that she saw her brother again.
It won't be until you are 18 that you will see the money.


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